Full Life with Diabetes – Arvind S. Godbole/Shreerang A. Godbole

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By 2025, the number of individuals with diabetes worldwide is estimated to cross 300 million. India is home to one of the largest populations of diabetes-affected individuals. The short and long-term complications of diabetes, with prolonged and widespread impact on the body, result in a massive physical, psychological, social and economic burden on affected individuals, their families and society at large. Health education of affected groups and health care teams is the most cost-effective measure to mitigate this burden.
This completely updated and revised book aims to impart essential comprehensive and practical knowledge about diabetes. Understanding of the basic mechanisms leading to diabetes has vastly improved and led to new treatment options. This book provides current information on these aspects. The book attempts to address common queries and misconceptions related to diabetes. The role of diet, exercise, investigative and treatment modalities, co-morbid conditions, and acute and chronic diabetes-related complications have been highlighted. Management of diabetes in special situations such as travel, sickness, childhood, pregnancy and old age has been described. Care has been taken to keep the language simple. Though primarily aimed at individuals with diabetes and their relatives, this book should prove useful to nurses, health educators and doctors involved in the management of diabetes.
The authors are well-known specialists in the field of diabetes.

ISBN No: 9788179912249

No. Of Pages: 251

Language: English

Cover: Paperback

Year Of Publication: 1976

Weight 0.297 kg
Dimensions 29.24 × 14 × 21.5 cm