Iron-rich Recipes – Sanjeev Kapoor

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We all have grown up watching our favourite cartoon characters. Popeye, the sailor, munching on a can of spinach and knocking down baddies! Spinach, the best source of dietary iron, sure helps make us strong, fit and healthy. The human body does require an adequate amount of iron intake so that it stays resilient and energetic. Chef Sanjeev Kapoor brings you this book with a variety of recipes that are iron-rich and can be a part of your day-to-day routine. Include these fuss-free dishes in your daily diets and cajole the right amount of iron intake in your body without compromising on the taste factor!
Eat and stay strong!

ISBN No: 9788179918180

No. Of Pages: 96

Language: English

Cover: Paperback

Year Of Publication: 2014

Weight 0.103 kg
Dimensions 33.73 × 16.51 × 11.43 cm