From Beginner to Chef:Simple Creative Cooking – Nishat Pestonji

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Ask any celebrity to name a favourite dish and invariably it will be Ma’s Sheer Korma, Dadi’s Khichdi, or Nani’s Dum Aloo, favoured over exotic 5-star meals. Because within families love and laughter flavour meals in ways no chef can.
From Beginner to Chef gives you a peek into Nishat Pestonji’s family kitchen, where the simplest recipes become the building blocks for a creative, more accomplished fare. A book for every novice in the kitchen, who aspires to turn out interesting meals for the family, born of imagination, and served with confidence and flair.
For Nishat Pestonji, cooking has been an axis for growing up from a diffident teenager into a self-assured gourmet chef. An efficient home-maker, she takes pride in being the perfect host, with an ever-ready kitchen to serve unexpected guests.

ISBN No: 9788179916643

No. Of Pages: 114

Language: English

Cover: Paperback

Year Of Publication: 2011

Weight 0.31 kg
Dimensions 29.89 × 13.97 × 21.59 cm