Ayurveda Revisited : Ayurveda in the light of contemporary medicine – Dr Sharadini A. Dahanukar / Dr Urmila M. Thatte
Ayurveda Revisited is an attempt to explore the possibilities of explaining hitherto elusive concepts of Ayurveda in terms of contemporary scientific thought. The authors describe the place of Ayurveda in today’s medical system, then discuss the basic principles and therapeutic approaches in Ayurveda. Their aim has always been to understand the tenets of Ayurveda in the light of current scientific knowledge particularly with respect to research in therapeutic modalities (especially plants) in India and abroad. They have made an effort to identify areas in which Ayurvedic principles will definitely improve the status of currently available therapies in modern medicine. The authors have also attempted to define areas in which experimental verification is needed.
This book will enable the allopathic physician and the Ayurvedic practitioner to develop an intense curiosity about the other medicinal system which could work towards developing an integrated medical system.
ISBN: 978-81-7154-096-9
Number of pages: 172
Language: English
Cover: Paperback
Year of Publication: 2024